2018 Course Schedule for
Special Full Moon Yoga & Meditation
Tuesday May 29th
5:30 - 7:30 pm
3115 Piedmont Road
Suite D102
Atlanta, GA 30305
Pre-registration via Paypal (below) is required as space is limited
Upcoming Classes
June 27th
Special Full Moon Yoga & Meditation
Tuesday May 29th
5:30 - 7:30 pm
3115 Piedmont Road
Suite D102
Atlanta, GA 30305
Pre-registration via Paypal (below) is required as space is limited
Upcoming Classes
June 27th
Well, just as there is a season of planting, called spring; and a season for the harvest, called fall; there is a season for what some call a Return, i.e, winter. Return is a turn within for those who long for more; who know there’s more; an internal investigation of who you are now. The old stuff goes out as you ask and allow for what you want now.
Here’s where the Full Moon comes in…..the perfect design of nature. Generally, Full Moon is about completion. Completion of what was ritually begun on the new moon. In the days when we lived closer to nature, where the environment was honored rather than abused, and as the cycles of nature revealed the guidance needed for both the inner and outer life; we naturally followed this rhythm.
Now during this Full Moon we have a very potent time, the perfect ’season’ to finish, to complete all the dialogues interfering with what we want now. Changing thought patterns is absolutely possible. You can change the station you’re always listening to, just move the dial! This truly is what yoga and meditation are about……learning the skills to power up and change your energy the way you want. The hardest part is deciding that you, yourself makes the difference.
Yoga and meditation are so magnetic, the more you do, the more you love……because we are turned on to our own internal rhythm. You don’t have to go back to go forward. But…..you do have to change the station to watch a new program.
So, to get my mojo going this year, to get on the track I want to be on, I am offering a Full Moon Yoga & Meditation on May 29th, 2018 at our office on Piedmont Rd. We will practice Chandra Namaskar, Salutation to the Moon…..a beautiful fluid set of poses anyone can do. Then we’ll settle into restorative rest pose. Then we will howl to the moon…..just kidding, you can howl if you want but please go outside. Then into meditation pose, (I will assist each person). You will be touched by the stillness, maybe an inner quiet you didn’t know you could have, a peacefulness that has seemed impossible in these ‘less than peaceful’ times in our world. In this space, there is magic.
Tuesday May 29th, 2018, 5:30 - 7:30 pm;
You’re ready to do something different. You’re pulled to expand your box. This is the stuff that builds the energy so you can do what you want.
Here’s to the journey…….what a trip……love you all so much.
Here’s where the Full Moon comes in…..the perfect design of nature. Generally, Full Moon is about completion. Completion of what was ritually begun on the new moon. In the days when we lived closer to nature, where the environment was honored rather than abused, and as the cycles of nature revealed the guidance needed for both the inner and outer life; we naturally followed this rhythm.
Now during this Full Moon we have a very potent time, the perfect ’season’ to finish, to complete all the dialogues interfering with what we want now. Changing thought patterns is absolutely possible. You can change the station you’re always listening to, just move the dial! This truly is what yoga and meditation are about……learning the skills to power up and change your energy the way you want. The hardest part is deciding that you, yourself makes the difference.
Yoga and meditation are so magnetic, the more you do, the more you love……because we are turned on to our own internal rhythm. You don’t have to go back to go forward. But…..you do have to change the station to watch a new program.
So, to get my mojo going this year, to get on the track I want to be on, I am offering a Full Moon Yoga & Meditation on May 29th, 2018 at our office on Piedmont Rd. We will practice Chandra Namaskar, Salutation to the Moon…..a beautiful fluid set of poses anyone can do. Then we’ll settle into restorative rest pose. Then we will howl to the moon…..just kidding, you can howl if you want but please go outside. Then into meditation pose, (I will assist each person). You will be touched by the stillness, maybe an inner quiet you didn’t know you could have, a peacefulness that has seemed impossible in these ‘less than peaceful’ times in our world. In this space, there is magic.
Tuesday May 29th, 2018, 5:30 - 7:30 pm;
- Fee $25. For monthly students: $20.
- Class is limited to 11 participants (due to size of space).
- Your payment confirms your space.
- We very much appreciate your early registration.
You’re ready to do something different. You’re pulled to expand your box. This is the stuff that builds the energy so you can do what you want.
Here’s to the journey…….what a trip……love you all so much.