The Enchanted Dance of Energy Intuitive Yoga, Meditation, & Mindfulness
Overview Intuitive Yoga is the cutting edge between the Universal Energy Principles of Polarity Therapy and Hatha Yoga. When practiced together, a new and enlightening blend of movement emerges. Each participant feels their own unique ability to open a flow of energy where there is stiffness and pain. There is always a way to breathe and move as long as their is life force in the body. Often is the belief that “I cannot do yoga, I cannot bend, I’m too tight.” Intuitive Yoga informs us. If there is only 50% ability to move, then 100% can be made of that 50%! Greater movement is the result. Helping your clients learn to move properly and safely profoundly increases their wellness, self confidence, and health care program. You can teach this easily and your practice, build your classes.
Description This class dives deeply into understanding how we can direct breath into where we did not think movement possible. We will apply the 5 Universal Elements as taught in Polarity Therapy to blend both Energy Exercises and Hatha Yoga step by step. With meditation we learn to become more mindful of how our thoughts either limit or expand our beliefs. Then we can choose our direction. We can powerfully help clients move through barriers and tremendously assist recovering the natural ability to move as the body is designed. The purpose of Yoga is to break the habit of the tissues thereby promoting a greater free flow of energy, range of motion, and fulfillment of life. Three 3 day weekends, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday (72 hours Certification) Level 1: * 2 yoga sessions each day, (which includes meditation)
full day on each element
theory of energy in practical application
postures (asanas) and energy exercises for each element
concentration as a key to meditation
meditation as a key to grow intuition
intuition as a key to grow mindfulness
injury recovery
addiction recovery
teaching clients one on one
teaching groups
age considerations
One 4 day class, Thursday - Sunday (32 hours Certification) Level 2:
advancing to your next step in asanas
extending pose modifications, i.e, to grow the pose