Stress Patterns Resolved
Paths for Wholeness
Hello Friend,
Are you passionate about being of service to others? From a wholistic approach, a deeper realistic approach, then you must know something about deeper care of yourself. You really don’t have to settle for a compromised level of how you feel. You were born to feel good, to feel good with your health and strong energy with which to live day to day. Are you unsure as to how to get to where you want to be? This class may well be for you.
Stress Patterns Resolved
Held at Paths For Wholeness
Sunday, April 29th & Monday, April 30th
10 am - 6:30 pm each day
Fee for this 2 day workshop is $250.
Please write me here to register:
[email protected]
Stress Patterns Resolved provides a strong experience and very deep understanding of how energy works in the body. Imagine the benefit of receiving 5 sessions of deep stress relief in 2 days; this is what you will experience. The benefit to your body is the tremendous boost of self healing chemistry that, also, literally, releases mental stress.
This workshop introduces the nervous system patterns as outlined by Dr. Randolph Stone, DO, DC. There are 5 basic system patterns that are common in the human body. Each one has particular qualities and tendencies that manifest in the body as either health or disease. We will explore each pattern with body work sequences as well as simple exercises for health building.
You will experience giving and receiving mini-sessions of the 5 energy patterns. hands-on/opening sequences and reflex points for the neck, belly and knees; hands on for indigestion and bowel health; hands on for generative system including feet, pelvis and upper chest; hands on for mid back, ankles, and shoulders. hands on for specific release of primary joints Easily integrated into all bodywork, working with these particular stress patterns are actually the patterns to restore health. Just as when a sore muscle is massaged just right, this same muscle is then restored to strength and flexibility. For bodyworkers, these techniques brings added richness and value to your practice.
To enhance the transformative quality of these teachings, class size is limited. Energy work naturally opens ones intuition and requires an intention to deepen ones self inquiry. Paths For Wholeness is on the leading edge of supporting you to co-create your own health building as well as those whom you serve.
Instructor: Eleanora Lipton, BCPP; NCBTMB Approved Provider: 451635-11
NCBTMB Approved 15 CEUs (7 Hours Lecture & 8 Hours Hands on)
Georgia Board Approval: Pending
Upcoming Class
Polarity Therapy & Chakra Balancing
Held at Atlanta School of Massage
Monday, June 4th & Tuesday, June 5th
10 am - 6:30 pm each day
Fee for this 2 day workshop is $250
to register:
[email protected]
or call: 678-777-6403
"Strengthen your Core and you strengthen your whole being." Eleanora Lipton
Private Polarity and Intuitive Yoga sessions are available with Eleanora in Buckhead and Lakshmi in Roswell.
Our mission is to grow health and well-being for everyone and everything…..everywhere.
Copyright © *|2016|* *|Paths for Wholeness Inc|*, All rights reserved.
Paths for Wholeness
Our mailing address is:
[email protected]
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Wellness Practitioner Certification Program
Evolve Yourself & Grow Your Work in the World
Intuitive Yoga & Integrative Bodywork
Based on Energy Principles of Polarity Therapy
with Eleanora Lipton & Karen Kerns
Our passion is to share with the you the most potent, transformative, and effective methodologies we have been utilizing with students and clients. We are so excited to be taking our work to a whole other level, simplified, grounded, enhancing who you are and what you do. We have leaped out of the box to offer innovative and progressive programs. Together, we are all making a profound difference in health care.
Healing can be such an incredible journey! Filled with discovering ourself, our passion, living so much freer in our spirit. With the ‘silver‘ generation living from one doctor’s appointment to the next, stuck in the mental construct of dread and lack of choice.....ughhh....we can make a difference. Tremendous education is needed to help inform, really inform people that there are lots of great choices for health and healing.
This course is designed for practitioners, seekers, and those who feel called to evolve and to assist others. In these studies we will dive into both the mystery and science of energy work and its practical application in your life and for your clients. Based on the teachings of Polarity Therapy, Hatha Yoga, anatomy, physiology, and spiritual practices, this course will empower your inner journey and your work in the world.
The core of healing is energy. The core of energy is Spirit. We are here to quench the thirst of Spirit.
APTA & NCBTMB c.e.’s pending.
Healing can be such an incredible journey! Filled with discovering ourself, our passion, living so much freer in our spirit. With the ‘silver‘ generation living from one doctor’s appointment to the next, stuck in the mental construct of dread and lack of choice.....ughhh....we can make a difference. Tremendous education is needed to help inform, really inform people that there are lots of great choices for health and healing.
This course is designed for practitioners, seekers, and those who feel called to evolve and to assist others. In these studies we will dive into both the mystery and science of energy work and its practical application in your life and for your clients. Based on the teachings of Polarity Therapy, Hatha Yoga, anatomy, physiology, and spiritual practices, this course will empower your inner journey and your work in the world.
The core of healing is energy. The core of energy is Spirit. We are here to quench the thirst of Spirit.
APTA & NCBTMB c.e.’s pending.
That’s what this course incredible process to grow, really grow, every part of your being. A natural synthesis happens.
This is the process of becoming who we are truly meant to be, i.e, instruments of love, light, and healing for everyone and everything, everywhere.
Our work is love in action, making a profound difference in our life, our sense of business, ours and others fulfillment.
More than ever the world needs for the love of power to transform into the power of love.
Intuitive Yoga with Eleanora Lipton
each morning of course
each morning of course
Intuitive Yoga is the cutting edge between the Universal Energy Principles of Polarity Therapy and Hatha Yoga. When practiced together, a new and enlightening blend of movement emerges. Each person has a unique ability to open a flow of energy where there is stiffness and pain. This class dives deeply into understanding how we can direct breath into where we did not think movement possible. There is always a way to breathe and move as long as there is life force in the body. Often is the belief that “I cannot do yoga, I cannot bend, I’m too tight.” If there is only 50% ability to move, then 100% can be made of that 50%! Greater movement is the result. Helping your clients learn to move properly and safely profoundly increases their wellness and self-confidence. The purpose of Yoga is to break the habit of the tissues thereby promoting a greater free flow of energy, range of motion, and fulfillment of life. You can teach this easily and your practice, build your classes. |
Eleanora Lipton, BCPP, is one of thirty original American Polarity Therapy Association, APTA honored RPP and RPE; a three term APTA Board Member; co-author of The Therapeutic Art of Polarity; internationally recognized Polarity and Intuitive Yoga instructor; member of the senior faculty at The Temple of the Inner Self; Intuitive Yoga and Polarity Therapist at Accelerated Recovery Centers (recovery center for alcoholics); B.A. in Religious Studies, University of Colorado; Spiritual studies and extensive retreats with the School of Spiritual Healing. NCBTMB continuing education Approved Provider: 451635-11.
Extensive community outreach includes supervised practices at the local fire station. Eleanora brings a richness of skill, sensitivity, and experience to the facilitation of the polarity process, growing wellness, health building and living with passion.
Contact Eleanora with any and all questions and concerns at [email protected].
Extensive community outreach includes supervised practices at the local fire station. Eleanora brings a richness of skill, sensitivity, and experience to the facilitation of the polarity process, growing wellness, health building and living with passion.
Contact Eleanora with any and all questions and concerns at [email protected].
Integrative Bodywork with Karen Kerns
each afternoon of course
each afternoon of course
.Integrative Bodywork raises the bar on interfacing polarity principles and bodywork. This approach profoundly facilitates the release of deeply held tensions where movement is compromised and promotes a most essential healing component, i.e., the ability to fully receive and fully allow.
Bodywork on this level requires communication on an energetic level. How we communicate with the tissues, the mind, emotions and soul of our clients requires attention, intention and knowledge of the interconnectedness of our surroundings. We are connected with our surroundings; let’s utilize that connection! Our soul enlivens our bodies, and must be allowed to enter our lives on every level.
With this communication skill, we can assist in the reconnection with our soul which enlivens our bodies, inspires our minds and fills us with purpose. Then, anything is possible!!
Karen Kerns, BCPP, RCST, LMT graduated in dental hygiene from the University of Detroit School of Dentistry. Studies included anatomy, physiology, microbiology and histology. Practicing in the specialized field of periodontal dentistry, performing deep cleaning
of the gum tissue and root surfaces, some diseases noticeably
showed up in the mouth. Through the study of polarity therapy
the connection of these diseases with other parts of the body became clear. This understanding of energetic patterns began to connect the dots of the physical body and the life force we now know is key to health and wellness. Being intrigued about the wholistic perspective of health and the power of energy, she has pursued continued studies
in polarity therapy, craniosacral work and reiki. Karen now teaches polarity therapy and is the director of Polarity Center.
Our polarity community creates such an incredible, safe and supportive space for us to turn inward deeply as well as to turn to
each other...... there’s something so magical about doing this together.
We are indeed raising the bar on the level of healthy energy we bring to everyone and everything, everywhere. Contact Karen with any questions at [email protected].
Polarity Therapy is revolutionary and evolutionary!
Polarity Therapy is revolutionary and evolutionary! As Dr. Stone, the creator of Polarity Therapy said, “do not reinvent the wheel!” This informs us that the study of Polarity is indeed a pathway of evolution. The healing arts compel both practitioner and client to grow on all levels for health is a reflection of our total being. Technical skills combined with knowledge, intuition and practical application make Polarity Therapy an amazing modality. This is why we love Polarity! We get to grow, evolve, and live our passion and absolutely make a positive difference in the world.
Intuitive Yoga & Integrative Bodywork are truly a potent evolutionary step of Polarity. More and more clients come to us as they know they are experiencing a shift in consciousness. We help them experience their body, heart and soul as the Temple of their life. Our work helps them connect the dots of their being on a whole new level. We are indeed ‘raising the bar’ of health care.
For many practitioners, sessions become routine. Facilitating the polarity process on all these expanding levels can become unclear. We need to know when our energy gets clogged. You will learn practices for clearing your field and also how to identify when you need a polarity session. As practitioners we may need to learn new ways to support ourselves, deal with our emotional reactions to clients, plus our own pain and health issues as we age.
All of these reasons are why Intuitive Yoga & Integrative Bodywork Training is an empowering next step to grow your strength, skill, and intuition. Essentially, Polarity facilitates spiritual evolution. The spiritual body is the all encompassing vital energy field.
What we’ve discovered is crucial to growing one’s being, as you are the instrument of your work; Structure. Creating structure gives Earth,i.e, a step by step process. Just as growing a garden requires steps, growing the sacred garden within requires consistent and careful tending. So many people truly do not understand that to be spiritual, to live a spiritual life, one must cultivate a Spiritual Structure of practices in body and mind. The great paradox is that Structure breeds Creativity. Creativity grows the inner life which then becomes outer expression. We are indeed connecting the dots!
Intuitive Yoga & Integrative Bodywork are truly a potent evolutionary step of Polarity. More and more clients come to us as they know they are experiencing a shift in consciousness. We help them experience their body, heart and soul as the Temple of their life. Our work helps them connect the dots of their being on a whole new level. We are indeed ‘raising the bar’ of health care.
For many practitioners, sessions become routine. Facilitating the polarity process on all these expanding levels can become unclear. We need to know when our energy gets clogged. You will learn practices for clearing your field and also how to identify when you need a polarity session. As practitioners we may need to learn new ways to support ourselves, deal with our emotional reactions to clients, plus our own pain and health issues as we age.
All of these reasons are why Intuitive Yoga & Integrative Bodywork Training is an empowering next step to grow your strength, skill, and intuition. Essentially, Polarity facilitates spiritual evolution. The spiritual body is the all encompassing vital energy field.
What we’ve discovered is crucial to growing one’s being, as you are the instrument of your work; Structure. Creating structure gives Earth,i.e, a step by step process. Just as growing a garden requires steps, growing the sacred garden within requires consistent and careful tending. So many people truly do not understand that to be spiritual, to live a spiritual life, one must cultivate a Spiritual Structure of practices in body and mind. The great paradox is that Structure breeds Creativity. Creativity grows the inner life which then becomes outer expression. We are indeed connecting the dots!
This program is for all those feeling the call to serve, who want to develop their sensitivity with skill and focus, who want to create and manifest their work in the world.
2018 Dates to be Announced
Working the Core, The Neutral Field This is a great first class. Establishing a sense of space is one of our client’s most important needs, which they may or may not even know is needed. Space to be; to become more of ones self....the space that allows expansion and healing potency to come forward. Receptive, the Negative Field of Manifestation, the Divine Feminine Negative Formative Field Are upsetting emotions and limiting beliefs keeping you from creating what you are truly capable of creating? Activation of the Passionate, the Divine Masculine Positive Creative Mind Field Oval Cavities, first one is the mind, the mental field Are your actions matching your intention? And manifesting what you want? Completion class PLUS a very special bonus!! Review and practices of integration. Supervised Practice working on other community members with Intuitive Yoga and Bodywork teachings as a completion requirement for the class. Invite our polarity community, friends, family, students, clients, acquaintances....for yoga and bodywork. * advance your assistance strategies on the mat and on the table * deepen the process of attuning to your client and class * grow and expand your business even more!! |
We are being called to listen to our hearts and respond!
Then what do we do?
Then what do we do?
Connecting with a safe and supportive community over a period of months absolutely supports the growth of your work.
To support you as much as we possibly can, here’s yet another BONUS!!
During the months we do not meet, we will meet up on a conference call for the whole class.
We can meditate together, discuss what’s up, and keep the support up to stay on track.
Are you ready to leap into your next step?
To support you as much as we possibly can, here’s yet another BONUS!!
During the months we do not meet, we will meet up on a conference call for the whole class.
We can meditate together, discuss what’s up, and keep the support up to stay on track.
Are you ready to leap into your next step?
Dates & Tuition to be announced for 2018