Intuitive Yoga Teacher Training
For seekers of wellness and all those who wish to evolve your soul, spirit, health, wellness, and service to others, you may apply to join us. Course will be held at Atlanta Polarity & Intuitive Yoga Center.
2015 Course Schedule, First time offered here in Atlanta!
Energy!! Creating our world! Growing our health!
To this we aspire in the midst of life's challenges.
As the wonderful Rabbi Peter Berg said, "May our actions reflect our aspirations."
Take action dear ones!
To build strength from within, dive with us into the powers within, i.e., nature's elements accessed through the chakras, the wheels of energy within that create every human being. In this class we will work deeply on our human energy system, the power that gives strength and integrity to every part of us, physically, mentally, spiritually. Through Intuitive Yoga this class will release tension in your body, freeing your mind, and expanding your spirit.
One Saturday a month: each with specific focus, appropriate asanas (postures), meditation & exploration!
Feb. 28: Fire element, heat energy, masculine principle of passionate action
March 28: Ether element, the energy of the joints, growing inner space, expanding your boundaries safely
April 18: Water element, all fluids, feminine principle of compassion, growing your magnetic self, purification, receptivity
May 30: Air element, mental acuity, breathing the life force, getting your head into the process with clarity
June 27: Earth, the physical body as our container, complete manifestation
July 25: Health Building is the dance of the elements
10am - 6:00pm
Required Texts:
If you are interested in growing your yoga practice & spiritual life, to understand more fully the mystery of the body/mind, join us.
If you feel called to do service in the world, join us.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions and to find out if this course is right for you at this time of your life journey.
Course tuition: $700. Early registration: pay in full by February 23: $625.
The February class may be taken separately for $125. No other weekend may be taken separately, the process is just too involved.
When you decide to take the whole program, this fee will be applied to the full tuition!
Class will be held at The Temple Community at the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta, 1730 Northeast Expressway, NE, Atlanta, 30329
We love you.
Eleanora & all of us at our Temple Community
2015 Course Schedule, First time offered here in Atlanta!
Energy!! Creating our world! Growing our health!
To this we aspire in the midst of life's challenges.
As the wonderful Rabbi Peter Berg said, "May our actions reflect our aspirations."
Take action dear ones!
To build strength from within, dive with us into the powers within, i.e., nature's elements accessed through the chakras, the wheels of energy within that create every human being. In this class we will work deeply on our human energy system, the power that gives strength and integrity to every part of us, physically, mentally, spiritually. Through Intuitive Yoga this class will release tension in your body, freeing your mind, and expanding your spirit.
One Saturday a month: each with specific focus, appropriate asanas (postures), meditation & exploration!
Feb. 28: Fire element, heat energy, masculine principle of passionate action
March 28: Ether element, the energy of the joints, growing inner space, expanding your boundaries safely
April 18: Water element, all fluids, feminine principle of compassion, growing your magnetic self, purification, receptivity
May 30: Air element, mental acuity, breathing the life force, getting your head into the process with clarity
June 27: Earth, the physical body as our container, complete manifestation
July 25: Health Building is the dance of the elements
10am - 6:00pm
Required Texts:
- Health Building by Dr. Randolph Stone
- The Therapeutic Art of Polarity by Lipton & Faer
- Anatomy Coloring Book
- Recommended Reading:
- Yoga, The Spirit & Practice of Moving Into Stillness, by Erich Schiffman
- Yoga Beyond Belief by Ganga White
- Energy Exercises by John Chitty & Mary Louise Mueller
If you are interested in growing your yoga practice & spiritual life, to understand more fully the mystery of the body/mind, join us.
If you feel called to do service in the world, join us.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions and to find out if this course is right for you at this time of your life journey.
Course tuition: $700. Early registration: pay in full by February 23: $625.
The February class may be taken separately for $125. No other weekend may be taken separately, the process is just too involved.
When you decide to take the whole program, this fee will be applied to the full tuition!
Class will be held at The Temple Community at the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta, 1730 Northeast Expressway, NE, Atlanta, 30329
We love you.
Eleanora & all of us at our Temple Community
Please email to arrange Paypal payment OR
make check payable to Polarity Wholeness Inc and mail to:
Eleanora Lipton
16 Ivy Ridge
Atlanta, GA 30342
Prepare to deepen your self knowledge, your skill, and expand your reach.
This course promises a deep and rich experience of growing one's spiritual life, building ones health, and extending all of this to help others.
"As we grow, so does our work in the world. Harness your energy and expand your service in the world."
You are invited to meet with Eleanora Lipton, RPE, instructor and the program director, to discuss what's important to you at this time in your personal and professional development. Please call to schedule a time to talk and/or to receive a polarity session. Experience polarity therapy and find out for yourself how profound and life-enhancing the process can be. Come for an Intuitive Yoga class and/or polarity session and make an informed decision. Harness your energy and expand your service in the world.
Contact Eleanora for more information or to schedule an appointment, 678-777-6403
Why I teach Intuitive Yoga
Over the last 15 years, I have explored Hatha yoga, hot yoga, kundalini yoga and finally Intuitive Yoga with Eleanora. I am grateful for the experience gained from each style. I am a very left brained person – with a very busy mind that needs to understand how and why things work the way they do. Yoga calms my mind and encourages me to focus on my breath. Intuitive yoga goes farther to provide explanations for what I feel in my body and why the energy takes the pathway that it does. I am coming to truly know and understand myself. I am energy. Energy can take on various vibrations to materialize as earth, water, fire, air and ether even within our bodies. Our bodies are powerful communication devices. When my right hip aches – what passion (fire) is wanting to be expressed thru me?
The gradual transition from student to teacher began with the EmPowerFlow workshops. These workshops go deeper into the energies as Eleanora provides an explanation of how each energy flows. I became more aware and more comfortable working with the air element in the shoulders or the fire element in the thighs.
I never saw myself teaching yoga or anything else really. So if I can do this – so can you. I was a shy woman who liked to hide from the world; however my body and spirit require more. They require action. Thru my practice of yoga I accepted the fact that I am human and a part of this physical world. Movement connects my brain and my body. I have always been told that I need to be more grounded – to be in my body. I thought being grounded was a punishment. In fact being grounded is really quite a blessing. I am learning that in order to manifest my dreams I have to be connected with the earth element. Without being grounded – I cannot bring my dreams from the ethers into physical form.
I want to be a part of a community of like-minded people who desire to experience and express the dance of the elements with themselves and with others. Being grounded is what I needed from Intuitive Yoga initially. Feeling expansive, passionate or inspired may be what you need. With Intuitive Yoga you can open each of these areas in your own life. I invite you to join our community of Intuitive Yoga teachers.
Lakshmi (Donna Futrell)
Don't wait, Do it now
Have your best self ready for whatever comes your way. We are here to support you. Take advantage of our specials. There are no expirations and schedule is flexible. Go to Eleanora's online calendar to make your appointment.
Private yoga sessions are now $75 for 60 minutes.
A special deal for all you special folks who need to feel better, reduce stress, and learn this very positive way to keep your energy and body strong. We also come to you. Yoga and meditation instruction in the privacy of your home. Ask Eleanora! Couples Special: $100 for 60 minutes
Body work sessions now $99 for 60 minutes. These sessions integrate deep tissue muscle massage with high energy polarity therapy. You will experience a profound depth of relaxation and rest. Athletes, computer workers, spiritual seekers, Moms, Dads, and school teachers are all amazed by the depth of renewal of body, mind and spirit.
Come enjoy a complimentary 1/2 hour polarity session for your birthday! Or buy an hour session and receive an hour and a half!
Now is the time to nurture yourself. Take this opportunity to get body, mind and spirit in shape.
Private yoga sessions are now $75 for 60 minutes.
A special deal for all you special folks who need to feel better, reduce stress, and learn this very positive way to keep your energy and body strong. We also come to you. Yoga and meditation instruction in the privacy of your home. Ask Eleanora! Couples Special: $100 for 60 minutes
Body work sessions now $99 for 60 minutes. These sessions integrate deep tissue muscle massage with high energy polarity therapy. You will experience a profound depth of relaxation and rest. Athletes, computer workers, spiritual seekers, Moms, Dads, and school teachers are all amazed by the depth of renewal of body, mind and spirit.
Come enjoy a complimentary 1/2 hour polarity session for your birthday! Or buy an hour session and receive an hour and a half!
Now is the time to nurture yourself. Take this opportunity to get body, mind and spirit in shape.
Gift Certificates Available

Gift certificates for our products and services are now available.
E-mail us to purchase.
E-mail us to purchase.

Choose your date: Chamomile Retreat, A Country Getaway
This is your perfect getaway time. Create the time for yourself, and we will create the best retreat experience for you. For more information, contact Andrea
This is your perfect getaway time. Create the time for yourself, and we will create the best retreat experience for you. For more information, contact Andrea