I, Lakshmi, am recommending the workshop, Diving Deep into Yoga and Energy Principles to you as one of the best studies of energy. After a decade of studying the energy model of Polarity Therapy with Eleanora, as applied to bodywork, yoga, meditation, and life………I have found that the polarity process of self-inquiry is a great tool to support my emotional growth. However , initially I didn’t know where to start or what questions to ask. During meditation my thoughts would be all over the place and I would get frustrated. Then with Eleanora’s help, I learned to use my body as my guidance system. The body speaks truth and is a great communicator and teacher.
EmPowerFlow Yoga based on the energy principles of Polarity Therapy as presented by Dr. Randolph Stone, is the study of relationships and the elements found in nature and our bodies. The elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether. So thoughts are represented by the Air element. The earth element balances Air. So…getting into my body by doing physical activity like walking, yoga, gardening or bodywork is very beneficial to me. This well-defined pattern of energy helps me understand how I relate to my body, to my behaviors, to others and to the world.
I worked for 28 years in the information technology field, training people on software, and solving technical problems. I love discovering what is happening behind the scenes. With a computer, you do certain steps and you get certain results. The body is the same way, in fact I say the body is my new computer! The body is absolutely fascinating to me. Now I listen to my body’s messages. When I have knee or hip pain (usually on my left side), I consider where is the block in the energetic circuit? How does my body want to move and what does it need? I have the resources within to know where to go next. After moving mindfully, my body feels better and my mind is more at ease. I feel empowered.
“When this ANATOMY OF ENERGY POLES AND CIRCUIT OF WIRELESS currents is once grasped, it is so easy to locate any area of illness or distortion IN ITS TRIANGLE OF FUNCTION. Inquiries as to what to do for this or that disease would not be necessary if we thought and worked according to principles of VITALITY BALANCE and BI-POLAR FUNCTION OF TISSUES.” Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5, Dr. Randolph Stone, D.C., D.O.
Using the tools of EmPowerFlow Yoga and Polarity Therapy on a daily basis keeps me excited and engaged still after 10 years of study! For me this is my lifestyle. I am so grateful. These teachings have changed my perspective of the world from a confusing and even threatening environment to a benevolent and compassionate play-ground. I love having “aha” moments from the study of this material that is so rich with guidance. Thank you Eleanora for being my bridge to this energetic world!
If this resonates with you and you want more…
I invite you to experience this 2 day workshop on August 1st & 2nd. May this be the beginning of a deep appreciation of your own body’s energy, wisdom and magnificence!
EmPowerFlow Yoga based on the energy principles of Polarity Therapy as presented by Dr. Randolph Stone, is the study of relationships and the elements found in nature and our bodies. The elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether. So thoughts are represented by the Air element. The earth element balances Air. So…getting into my body by doing physical activity like walking, yoga, gardening or bodywork is very beneficial to me. This well-defined pattern of energy helps me understand how I relate to my body, to my behaviors, to others and to the world.
I worked for 28 years in the information technology field, training people on software, and solving technical problems. I love discovering what is happening behind the scenes. With a computer, you do certain steps and you get certain results. The body is the same way, in fact I say the body is my new computer! The body is absolutely fascinating to me. Now I listen to my body’s messages. When I have knee or hip pain (usually on my left side), I consider where is the block in the energetic circuit? How does my body want to move and what does it need? I have the resources within to know where to go next. After moving mindfully, my body feels better and my mind is more at ease. I feel empowered.
“When this ANATOMY OF ENERGY POLES AND CIRCUIT OF WIRELESS currents is once grasped, it is so easy to locate any area of illness or distortion IN ITS TRIANGLE OF FUNCTION. Inquiries as to what to do for this or that disease would not be necessary if we thought and worked according to principles of VITALITY BALANCE and BI-POLAR FUNCTION OF TISSUES.” Polarity Therapy Volume 2, Book 5, Dr. Randolph Stone, D.C., D.O.
Using the tools of EmPowerFlow Yoga and Polarity Therapy on a daily basis keeps me excited and engaged still after 10 years of study! For me this is my lifestyle. I am so grateful. These teachings have changed my perspective of the world from a confusing and even threatening environment to a benevolent and compassionate play-ground. I love having “aha” moments from the study of this material that is so rich with guidance. Thank you Eleanora for being my bridge to this energetic world!
If this resonates with you and you want more…
I invite you to experience this 2 day workshop on August 1st & 2nd. May this be the beginning of a deep appreciation of your own body’s energy, wisdom and magnificence!